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African American Read-In

The National African American Read-In is a groundbreaking effort to encourage communities to read together, centering African American books and authors. It was established in 1990 by the Black Caucus of the National Council of Teachers of English to make literacy a significant part of Black History Month. This initiative has reached more than 6 million participants around the world.

Oakland Schools is proud to host author Andrea Davis Pinkney and illustrator/author Brian Pinkney as our guests for this year’s African American Read-In. These award winning authors have a vast collection of books for readers of all ages. The first 500 Oakland County students who register will receive one of the Pinkney’s books.

The Pontiac United Education Coalition and Pontiac READS! are Proud to to host an in-person watch opportunity for this event. Details are below:

Location: Prospect Missionary Baptist Church, 351 Prospect St, Pontiac, MI 48341

Details: (seating is limited to 50 participants-children must accompanied with adult supervision. Refreshments will be provided at 5:45 p.m.

Time: Virtual Presentation starts at 6:45PM

Safety protocols will be followed.

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